Need A Trusted Provider in Neurosurgical Monitoring?
Neuromonitoring Services
Intraoprerative Neurophysiological Monitoring is used during complex surgeries, such as surgery on the brain or spinal cord. This monitoring is performed to provide a surgeon with feedback during surgery on the function of the nervous system. There is an assortment of monitoring tools and techniques that may be used by the surgeon in different combinations in order to provide the surgeon useful information regarding the patient during surgery.
A surgical neurophysiologist will be in the operating room participating in the surgery. Prior to surgery, the surgical neurophysiologist will attach a series of electrodes at different points along the patient’s nerve pathways to monitor their nervous system. The location of the electrodes will depend on the type of surgery being performed and on the patient’s condition. The information regarding the function of the patient’s nervous system will also be monitored remotely by one of the CPS supervising neurologists. This is accomplished using sophisticated telemedicine technology that is detailed, highly reliable, and secure. The CPS surgical neurophysiologist and supervising neurologist will confer with one another regarding any changes in the patient’s condition and will communicate that information to the surgeon.

The CPS staff is made up of extensively trained surgical neurophysiologists with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a health science related field and supervising neurologists who are Board Certified or Board Eligible medical doctors.
Services Include:
Neurosurgical Monitoring
Functional Neurosurgery
Transcranial Doppler
Orthopedic spine Surgical Monitoring
Diagnostic Services
Cardio-Thoracic Surgical Monitoring